Friday, March 28, 2008

Jose Can You..Shut Up?

Enough is enough from Jose Canseco, the poster boy of the Steroids Era and the only doper thus far to benefit from his notoriety. His first book, "Juiced," is widely credited for Congress's first hearing by his outing of Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, and Rafael Palmiero. So why is his 2nd book "Vindicated," due out on April Fool's Day, looked upon as garbage? Well, first came the report that he tried to bribe White Sox outfielder Magglio Ordonez out of $5 million to keep his name out of the book. Then came news that A-Rod is named- but is he? Canseco says he introduced A-Rod to his dealer, but is vague about everything else, and also says he never saw him use. Ordonez and A-Rod may well be guilty (their names have never come up before), but Canseco is using his vengence toward MLB supposedly blackballing him to make more money. He should be ashamed of profiting from a dirty era which had a huge part in by using and introducing others to steroids. But, of course, he's not- millions will buy his book, hoping for a revelation, but all they will find is insinuations and vague suggestions. Bring proof, Jose, or just go away.


Ian O'hEnas said...

I never liked this guy - Why can't we just put him on a boat back to where-ever he came from...

Anonymous said...

The fact that Jose Conseco hates A Rod because he thinks A Rod hit on his wife makes me question his claims. Also, I've been introduced to drug dealers but I have never bought drugs from them. Just because he introduced A Rod to a steroids dealer doesn't mean he was buying steroids from him. As a Yankees fan, I love A Rods talent but hate his persona. Still, I would be shocked if someone offered actual proof that he used steroids.

The Old Guy said...

Why do these things conveniently come out right before Opening Day? Or is it Second Opening Day, or is it Opening Day Part II, or is it Opening Day, U.S. Version. Canseco is a worthless P.O.S. at this point. He has so much power now based on the fact that what he said had some merit. Now he can say whatever he wants and all must listen.

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