Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mansfield Graduation- 12 Years Later

It's cliche to say, but, really, where does the time go? 12 years ago today, I graduated from Mansfield University. It was the culmination not only of my education, but the relationships that I would carry with me for the rest of time. Looking through old photos, I'm reminded of people who I wish I were still close to, but more importantly, to those I am still tight with, who remain as close as family.

So what would the 23-year-old me think of where life has led the 35-year-old me? I'd like to think that he'd be fairly happy. Even in those days, I wasn't some crazy dreamer-and the fact that I was expecting my first child 3 months after graduation kept me in check. No, '97 BK would see that I was married to a beautiful woman, working in baseball and still friends with many of the people in those pictures, and he'd smile and pass me his bottle of Cisco. And what would I want to say to him? Only two things- enjoy your fleeting moments in the greatest place you will ever live. And watch out for that Kim girl.

Some pics from memory lane:

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