Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seven Years..

Can it really be 7 years since 9/11? It seems like so much more recently, as every moment of that day is as clear to me as if it was yesterday. I'm sure that many people feel that way- it resonates in a way that few events do. The end of innocence, in some ways. And regardless of how you feel about the events that have occurred since (the opportunists, the using of this day as a reason for political campaigns, war, invasion of privacy, etc), it is important to remember first and foremost, the 3500 people who died that day. So take a moment today to remember those people- and also remember the feeling that for a small moment in time, in the days and weeks that followed 9/11, of being a unified country, one with no squabbles, hard feelings or partisanship. A time where we were all truly one nation, with a unifying cause. I leave you today with the legendary Cardinals announcer Jack Buck, who on the return of baseball on September 17th, 2001, read a poem that can speak to us all.

1 comment:

Ian O'hEnas said...

Happy Republican Day! The idiots keep it going. We've been safe for over 2000 days thanks to Bushie... BS! We had flowers in our lobby thanks to the ...

REPUBLICAN PARTY - thanks to MG McDonald, they were removed due to violating the Hatch Act (at least the signs were)...

The dedication today of the memorial was made by Bushie. He and his administration fought this memorial since day 0. They fought the idea from 11 Sept 01 and did not stop till. HMMM an election year... Interesting wonder if it is a coinikidink.

They did NOTHING to protect us before hand - even with the precise info needed to stop the attack and have done NOTHING but claim that they alone can keep us save - BS BS BS! All the corporate buildings had flags out, all the republican places did things to celebrate... Including the NRA.

We need to reclaim the tragedy and use the day to remind people of the truth!!!! We should have all sent out the reports from August 2001 to everyone we know that there is an attack in the US (NYC, WDC) eminant in the next few weeks and it could involve the use of airplanes to attack our structures.

I still feel strongly that they did know something would happen and that they did nothing thinking (I hope) it wouldn't be as bad as it was. To have this as an excuse to get what they wanted!!! Evil evil people.

Remember reason 2 for the attacks - BUSH won the election.

Reason 1 - we support Saudi Arabia.

This blog approved by Fred McGriff

This blog approved by Fred McGriff