Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Musical Interlude

I can't remember the last time I thought a video was cool, but Gnarls Barkley's new song "Who's Gonna Save Your Soul" fits that bill. Check it out, if you've ever had your heart broken, you will relate. Gets a little strange, but that's what makes Gnarls such an interesting group.

And for a time when even commercials were great videos, let's go back to 1983 (dont know why the video says 1988). Michael Jackson (pre-creepy) and MJ impersonator Alfonso Ribiero (pre-Carlton on Fresh Prince) dance thru the streets.

1 comment:

Staci Kenney said...

That was Carlton?!? He was so cute! That Gnarls Barkley video is cool but definitely creepy at points.

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