Wednesday, June 03, 2009

North Carolina Baseball

This past weekend Staci and I traveled to the state of North Carolina to catch some baseball, and in the process got to see a dear old friend of mine. Since we are on a tighter budget this year (i.e. broke), we are doing drivable minor league trips instead of the major league trips we usually do. And this one didn't disappoint. We started Friday night in Durham, where I had been before but was excited about seeing again. Despite the weather, we had a good time.

Saturday, it was on to Greensboro. On the way, we stopped to visit the Burlington Royals stadium and the yet-to-be-finished new Winston-Salem stadium. We also stopped for a great dinner with my old college roommate Tracy and her family. We hadn't seen each other in over 5 years, so it was great to catch up and introduce the spouses. Then we all headed to the Grasshoppers game. Greensboro was a great stadium, packed with 9100 people, which is very impressive for a low-A team. On our way out of town, we stopped at the old Greensboro stadium, then headed to Lynchburg.

Danville was on the way, so we took a peek at the D-Braves park. Very nice for Rookie League. Lynchburg was also a park that I had seen, but was happy to re-visit. The P-Nats were in town, so we gt to see my team get beat.

It was a great, inexpensive trip in which I got to mark 5 more stadiums off the master list (7 total).

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